Volunteer Opportunities for Children

We have been providing volunteer opportunities for children in Nepal through our diverse volunteering programs. Kids are innocent with no better understanding of the world. Their mind can be shaped in the way we desire. We believe that there is no other better way of teaching your kids about compassion and benevolence than to make them participate in volunteer programs where they will perform volunteer work with children of similar age group. This activity not only teaches your kids about generosity but you will find that your kids have developed leadership quality.

Volunteer Opportunities for Elementary Age Children will help your kids in better interaction with the crowd and thus it makes your kids perform better in social functions. Your kids will learn about making friends and most importantly about choosing the good friends. Making your kids involve in volunteering projects will plant the sense of responsibility in them. A responsible kid is sure to evolve into a responsible youth which gives you another reason to join our volunteer work for children in Nepal program.    

Upon the request of parents, we are also providing Volunteer with your kids program through which parents can cherish memories of working along with their kids and observe as your kids learn social and physical skills. Choose from different Kid-friendly volunteer service projects.

Children Volunteer Opportunities remain open throughout the year at Village Volunteering but please know that kids must be under supervision of their parent or guardian. Accommodation will be arranged by giving full consideration to the children-friendly environment.

We offer tailored volunteer opportunity for kids in Nepal by which the parents can decide the duration of stay and the type of work in which their kids are going to participate.