We have been offering affordable volunteering opportunities in Nepal in cities like Kathmandu, Pokhara and Chitwan as well as in rural settlements of Gorkha, Nuwakot and other villages. Volunteering in Nepal is a unique experience of working diligently with local people of Nepal. You can find different volunteering work, internship, and other travel programs at Good Karma Foundation . As a volunteer, you can make some positive changes in the life of disadvantaged people while you will learn about culture and humanity, share your views and earn mutual respect.
Each year, we receive several applications requesting for Volunteering in Nepal. In Nepal, volunteering can be as brief as a week length program during which you will participate in orientation, learn about Nepali dialect and culture and get experience of volunteering in the field of your interest.
What are the benefits of volunteering in Nepal? Well, you will socialize with locals from different communities, learn about diverse cultures that are unique to each communal tribes and you can select from different projects to work on. At Village Volunteering, we would like to assure you of full staff support at small cost.
We are also offering volunteering opportunities for teens and kids on the condition that they are under supervision of their parent or guardian.
Being a small and developing nation, there are several issues in Nepal that needs to be addressed. Open border with India has increased human trafficking. You can choose to volunteer against Nepalese woman trafficking as hundreds of women are being sold in brothels in India. You can also choose from orphanage volunteering in Nepal and street child volunteering where you will get opportunities to interact with children and share love and joys with innocent kids.
If you are seeking fun, you can join our elephant volunteering in Nepal program and get close with the gigantic beast.
Browse through different volunteering programs that are offered in this website. We are sure that you will find the program that you are looking for. write us at goodkarmafoundationnepal@gmail.com for more info.